Fix My Disrepair is a service ran by ex housing association heads of department that cuts out the need for a long drawn out compensation and repair process for claims brought by housing association residents whose housing has not been repaired within the legally allotted timeframe. The service saves the resident money due to different incentives from a solicitor on our part (a solicitor tends to benefit from long drawn out cases whereas we instead benefit from cases being concluded sooner) and we also charge a low fixed fee. We save the housing association time and money too due to them working with people who are familiar with their internal processes and know what’s deliverable in what timeframe within the industry. Solicitors (often with little housing association working experience) currently dominate the housing disrepair compensation claims market. When residents submit claims through them, they are only left with less than 30%, after solicitor’s fees are taken out, of the money that was actually paid out to them. The actual repairs also aren’t resolved. The focus with solicitors is on pursuing matters like it’s a criminal case. That makes the entire process hostile, ineffective and inefficient. Fix My Disrepair aims to change that.
