State NationalClass
You’ll never believe how I got on the path to realizing how much government fockery existed in the world that I became so involved as to teach it….
When I turned 41, I got fat, sick, and tired, and no doctor could tell me anything was wrong with me, but boy did they want to put me on a lot of drugs.
I saw five doctors seeking help and I could tell that either they had no idea how to fix me, or they were simply intent on pushing meds on me.
That set me off on a path to find out how corrupt the FDA, CDC, AMA, and all the alphabet letter agencies were. They are never concerned about our health. It’s always about profits and control.
When I came to learn how John Rockefeller corrupted the medical schools, that opened the door to all the other banking & government fockery that went on that led to the enslavement we have today. Medical enslavement led me to discover government enslavement.
It’s no accident that civics is no longer taught in school, but what you will find here is that 99.9% of people have never ever been taught how to exercise their rights and freedoms. Welcome to Legal Fockery and State National University. We’ll set you free if you’re willing to take a stand to BE free.
Gianna Miceli – American State National Of Nevada State NationalClass