sunflower seeds bulk price

Sunflower seed – an annual plant with a long (170-230 cm) and thick taproot. Seeds are harvested from its head. Among common types of sunflower seeds there are oil, high oleic and linoleic sunflower seeds, the main difference of which is primarily in fat content. It is not uncommon for grain elevators in Ukraine to mix all varieties together and then discharge sunflower seeds in bulk. In 2021 the global production of bulk sunflower seeds exceeded 50 mln tons. Ukraine holds one of the leading places with a quarter of global sunflower seed production. Sunflower seeds Ukraine is by far the most popular oil seed commodity of the country. Thanks to consistent demand from numerous domestic oil plants and exports, it remains to be among the best choices for the local farmers. Mostly cultivated in the southern and central parts of Ukraine because of its resistivness to dry and hot weather, which is prevalent in those regions. sunflower seeds bulk price